A close friend once said in a casual conversation – in one of her rather low moments – “In the movie of life, I feel like an extra”. That one simple sentence resonated with so many people on my Facebook page when I put it there, that it truly surprised me. It was not only the cry of her heart, but mine as well, and as I learnt it was of many others. Some openly and publicly acknowledged it, while I am sure many more others quietly nodded in their minds. It doesn’t matter how accomplished we are. It doesn’t matter how great our pretense of distinctions and great work we are doing, the fact is that we always seem “less than perfect” in our own way. And when we say “perfect’ its not some benchmark outside, but what we think we can do even by our own standards.
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I want to Meet Myself
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A close friend once said in a casual conversation – in one of her rather low moments – “In the movie of life, I feel like an extra”. That one simple sentence resonated with so many people on my Facebook page when I put it there, that it truly surprised me. It was not only the cry of her heart, but mine as well, and as I learnt it was of many others. Some openly and publicly acknowledged it, while I am sure many more others quietly nodded in their minds. It doesn’t matter how accomplished we are. It doesn’t matter how great our pretense of distinctions and great work we are doing, the fact is that we always seem “less than perfect” in our own way. And when we say “perfect’ its not some benchmark outside, but what we think we can do even by our own standards.