Yawning is for cooling your brain
This is a cool discovery. Warm climate does make you sleepy and yawny doesnt it? It now seems that if there could be a mechanism to cool your brain.. you could eliminate yawning, for that is what yawning is for – cooling your brain. Interesting way to do things! Instead of a sign for sleeping.. it is probably a sign for hot and closed mind! 🙂
In the May issue of Evolutionary Psychology, a psychology professor and colleagues wrote that experiments showed volunteers yawned more often in situations in which their brains were likely to be warmer.
Volunteers were shown videos of people laughing, being neutral and yawning, and researchers counted how many times the volunteer responded with their own "contagious yawns," the New York Times reported Wednesday.
The volunteers were in three groups: some were instructed to breathe only through their noses, which is thought to cool the brain; a second group applied cold packs to their foreheads, also a cooler, and the third group applied hot packs to their foreheads.
"The two conditions thought to promote brain cooling practically eliminated contagious yawning," the researchers wrote.
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