The Smiling Killing Machine!
Finally, the Pakistanis themselves are victims of the mindlessness and inhuman ways of the Pakistani Army leaders. Lal Masjid was a very important watershed even in Pakistan – and, I would add, the entire Middle Eastern world (if not the entire world). Here is a letter to editor in Dawn – a leading Pakistani daily – deriding the way the Army spokesman announced the tragic deaths.
IT was disturbing to see army spokesman Maj-Gen Wahid Arshad smiling while giving the gruesome details in which innocent children and women were killed. A few yards away, the tormented relatives of those besieged children were crying their hearts out.
Somebody should have told the general not to degrade public sentiments and to show some sensitivity towards the innocents who were caught in the basements of that killing field. It clearly shows how detached the army mindset is when it comes to public emotions
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