Programming Musical Selections with Positive Messages
We can use our minds, will power and emotions to add something from our creation to mantras, chants or special soft music to attain high mystical states.
It was some just a few years ago that I discovered something very useful for our daily self-improvement.As I listened very carefully to a musical selection which had made me feel very relaxed and at the same time very much alive with great positiveness.I discovered by mere chance that I was able to add something extra to that recording. This extra information physically can’t be detected, but the impact on our psychic being is very strong and harmonious. From that moment on this musical selection will make us realize that in it is an absolute and marvelous affect on us. In other words this programmed music will reach deep down until it we feel a beautiful change in our attitudes.One of th most amazing effects was that I could remember the spcial place where we usually spend before being once more incarnated. The other mystical benefit wasto be transported to the AKHASIC RECORDS.The magnificent spiritual school with their many great masters dedicated to our behalf. Indiscribable instructions.These special instructions had to do with all our magnificent skills, attributes and divine gifts.
So,these talents can flourish easily as we start another life, another step on our eternal ascention.Another wondrful gift is granted.The ability to rembmber our eternal soul personalities who, once more will help us, and we will help them.The glorious spiritual affinity.Our brothers and sisters on the path. I invite you to discover the lunar day on which you were born in order to experiment on this special day an spiritual communion with our Lord and with our soul companions.
Life is well wort living when we are aware that we aren’t alone.Not only God is with us, but other beautiful souls as well.
With great brotherly Love. Azokata-nous