Netaji Bose on Time's cover
On March 7, 1938, Subhash Chandra Bose was on the Time cover. Not that Time really loved Netaji, in fact Time used a lot of pejoratives for him all the time and his Indian National Army. Of course, Time would also refer to Gandhi with a sarcasm calling him “Saint Gandhi” all the time. 🙂 A piece from the article on the cover picture:
Exalted and mysterious Saint Gandhi is today far above being elected President of the Indian National Congress. But if he made only three brief, modest appearances, he still guided it with skill. The big splash was reserved for Subhas Chander Bose (see cover). Seventeen years ago, having just completed his education at Cambridge University, Alumnus Bose, en route back to India to take a Civil Service post, was so impressed by reading an appeal by Saint Gandhi for passive resistance that he at once resigned his new job. At Calcutta, able Alumnus Bose led demonstrations against the British, including the “Black Flag” demonstration in 1921 against the then Prince of Wales, news of which was not so much suppressed as drowned in press eulogies of Edward. After this, although twice elected mayor of Calcutta, Mr. Bose spent most of his time in jail, and he finally got out of jail only last year.
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