My own favorites from Drishtikone since Aug 2005
Over the years, Drishtikone has had many articles. Of the ones that I wrote, I wanted to pick some of my own favorites. Here is the list.
India, it’s history and Polity
Gujarat, Modi and Riots
The work of the various activists has been explored in detail in the following articles.
Other articles on India that I liked.
My Name is Khan: A Review: The movie was a shameless attempt at looking “whiter” by painting everyone else black. In an attempt to try and remove one stereotype, SRK and Karan Johar have reinforced every stereotype in the Jehadi book.
Racial Genocides, Aryan Racism and the Aryan Invasion Theory: Aryan Invasion Theory was a variant of its racist origins in Europe which Hitler used later. Let us look at it.
How India got its Independence – The Real Story: We are often made to believe that we got our independence thanks to Gandhi and Congress. The truth couldn’t be more bizarre!!
The Betrayal of Tashkent in 1965: In 1965, when India was one week away from winning the war against Pakistan, the Indian General gave bad intelligence to PM Shastri. And then, Shastri died in the most mysterious circumstances after having given away everything that Indian soldiers had won on the battlefield!
MF Hussain’s Crooked Art: Was Hussain’s paintings really art?
How Indian Communists committed Acts of Treason against the Indian state and why they should be banned from any seat of power: During the China war in 1961, the Indian Communists – who became the leading “lights” – betrayed India!
Two Millennia of India’s Economic Journey: 1st Century to 2000 AD: In the last 2000 years, how has Indian economy fared? And was India as poor throughout this period?
The Great Yoga Debate: Dr. Deepak Chopra and Dr. Aseem Shukla: Can you understand Yoga without understanding its origin? If Indian Spirituality is “Hindu”, then Yoga has its roots there.
Science and Spirituality
Eternal Illusion and How Observer Creates His Own Reality: This is the first in the series of “Science and Spirtuality”. It starts with the understanding of Quantum Mechanics and Spiritual tenets.
Creation is a Vibration: This goes beyond QM and looks at the new emerging understanding of Consciousness. What is it and how does it lead to Creation?
India’s Contribution to Science
India’s contribution to the world of science was systematically destroyed by the Islamic rule and deliberately undermined by the British. Here is detailed understanding of what was the Indian Science?
How Pakistan set up Jihad and Terror in Afghanistan and Used it Globally: There are lots of myths on Afghanistan and Pakistan and the entire Jehadi war. This article tackles each one of those in its entirety.
Why is Kashmir Important?: Away from the uniformed romantic and unpractical discussions on Kashmir, here is an explanation of why Kashmir is important?
Hypocrisy of the Kashmir Situation: “Kashmiri Independence” is a euphemism for Islamism in Kashmir! It’s that simple!
Pakistan – not Osama – was the Mastermind of 9-11 Attacks on the US: Contrary to the oft repeated rhetoric, it was Pakistan and NOT Osama Bin Laden which masterminded the 9-11!
How RAW Checkmated ISI, LTTE and Dawood in their Plan to Kill Sheikh Hasina!: There is a connivance between ISI, Dawood Ibrahim and Bangladeshi parties. Here is an expose of how they have worked.