Mumbai floats in rain water.
There is something terribly wrong with almost all the Indian cities. But the mess is most visible in Mumbai. The earth can take the greed of a population – shameless greed – only to a point. And then it gives way. Mumbai has come to that point. It has surely the most number of millionaires of India – and is the center of finance, movies, and business for India. Yet, it goes completely off when the monsoon rains hit it every year. The occurences are becoming worse and worse!
The politicians are not doing anything about it. They are brought to their knees by the mafia and the dons sitting in other countries. The police is impotent at best!
So, what is the future of Indian finance? First and foremost, I suggest that a mass exodus should happen from Mumbai of the Finance folks. To another city that may be created specifically for it. Something on the lines of how construction in China is occuring. Then move out the other guys.
The poor cannot and will not take the first step. The wealthy have to. I just hope to God that this mess of the rains affects them as much – or more – than I know it does the poor who live on the footpaths!
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