iPhone is hacked!
First of all, I cannot understand this deal about iPhone and AT&T! Why should iPhone only be maded to work with AT&T. Apple is losing so many consumers and buyers in the process. It is really shooting itself in its foot… because by the time it realizes.. many other companies will come out with their own versions.. Anyways, here are a few hacking successes to make iPhone work with other carriers!
Here is a 17 yr old who spent his summer to undo this madness from Apple.. and made the device work with T-mobile for the reporter. Probably there is another way that endgadget gave out which does not require any hardware hack…
Armed with a soldering iron and a large supply of energy drinks, a slight, curly haired teenager has developed a way to make the iPhone, arguably the gadget of the year, available to a much wider audience.
George Hotz of Glen Rock, N.J., spent his last summer before college figuring out how to "unlock" the iPhone, freeing it from being restricted to a single carrier, AT&T Inc. (Story link)
Another news: There is actually a group of hackers which has done the same thing – reported on the endgadget – where a competition of sorts is happening for unlocking of iPhone!!
A group called
said it had developed a piece of software that, when installed on an iPhone, allows the use of rival mobile services such as T-Mobile, according to widely followed technology blog