Interaction and Comments on Drishtikone
Today, I wanted to discuss one thing that has baffled me and some of the readers and I am trying to evaluate what this blog – Drishtikone – really does for the readers. I (and others) feel that Drishtikone, despite its good quality posts (despite my humility :)) does not get enough comments, as much as some other desi and even generic blogs get. Why is that?
It is not that people are not reading the posts at all.. some at least do read.. but it seems people (i) either don’t have an opinion on the subjects I write.. or (ii) worse, cannot understand what I have written.. or (iii) maybe just don’t care to exchange their thoughts. I am, honestly at a loss to completely grasp the true reason for this.
For me, there are very few blogs I visit amongst the desi crowd because very few even chose topics which have some interesting treatment and mostly the blogs end up becoming rants as opposed to serious discussions. I am sure I also post a lot of things that are frivolous at time and sometimes I do write emotionally as well, but I and others (Ezequiel, Jeshi etc) try and write things that are interesting, and hopefully serious and intelligent in nature.
For this reason, you will see a tab on the right hand side outside of the main content area – which will bring up a feedback form where you can share your ideas for us at Drishtikone on how best to improve what we are doing to increase the interaction more.
The point is that the more people interact.. the more we all learn. If it is just one person giving his/her thoughts then it doesn’t enrich the dialog much and learning is not enhanced. I don’t want to deliberately write a controversial post just to gain comments as many do – if the topic is controversial then it cannot be helped but most of us don’t go out of our ways to do it.
What do you think?
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"It is the truth that liberates, not your effort to be free.” - Krishnamurti