India will use its own technology for sending person in space!
ISRO – the Indian space programme is getting ready to send a person to space. It is also getting ready to send satellites of many countries and agencies into space for real cheap compared to the western countries. However, ISRO does not want to depend on foreign help. For, such help comes with strings attached! I believe this is a VERY wise decision!
The excitement and the passion to make it big in the space is palpable within the Indian space organization. I will be closely watching it – it is one area that makes me really proud of Indian achievements! Here is a quote from Chairman of the Indian Space Research Organisation Dr G. Madhavan Nair:
"But there has to be an objective," he added. "Our thrust will be to develop the technology and use Indian launch vehicles to access space. Our capability to have human access to space is a must in the long-run and we will take action in this regard."