I am the Eklavya!
Today is the Valentine’s day. Happy Valentine’s Day to All! Let me write a story of love that was in my mind.. a story of a lover and his beloved and the discovery of real love!
As I came out of my room, I saw her in a white suit. I had never seen anyone so heavenly. From then on, she became a part of me… forever. We became friends and met often where my thoughts were more with her than anything else. As we came closer, my love for her grew more and more. I wanted to see and talk to her ever more. She, on the other hand, was never ready for me. She was fighting her own past devils.
Relationships of love are told when they end up fructifying. So, why am I talking of a relationship that remained unrequited? It is because this one relationship taught me what love was. I went through the heart break of being denied her "love" and hating myself for it. But every time, I realized she was the only one I could possibly love. Until one day it dawned on me, love is not what you get, it is what you have for someone, unconditionally. Its not the reciprocation that makes your love "complete". Love is complete when it loses all hope of a quid pro quo and still is! She never said or taught me anything, but still she did. I learned to love.
In Mahabharata, there is a story of Dronacharya and Eklavya. Drona never took Eklavya as his pupil. Eklavya could but have only one Guru – Drona. Drona never taught Eklavya but Eklavya still learnt from him all that he knew. I am the Eklavya.
"As her dewy face emerged draped in the freshest rays of sun..
Hope rushed in unknown..
As the last strand of her silky tress melted into the dying sun…
Memory was all that remained…
Her coming had brought a yearning..
Her going left me pure…unrequited love."
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