Half of US 48 States area equivalent Arctic Ice has been lost this summer; all-time lowest ice!
The polar ice in the Arctic is at an all-time low. We have a 3rd or 4th – In Summer there is generally about the size of the United States (lower 48 states).
Have lost a volume equal to half of United States in terms of summer ice cover! We may come to a point in our lifetimes when Arctic may not even have ice in summers – in this decade or next one at the latest! Not just that but the ice there is also thinning. The global impact of these changes on environment will be dramatic!
Also read: Arctic ice shrinks 18% against record, sounding climate change alarm bells
Articles from External Sources
UN Report: 2012 Arctic Ice Melt Larger Than Size of United States
Arctic Sea Ice set to collapse in 2015
Doomed Arctic Ice Freezing Right On Schedule
The Arctic Lost US-Sized Sea Ice in 2012
Shrinking Arctic and disappearing ocean