Delhi University – Where men are an After-thought!!
There is a crisis in the Delhi University for guys.. there are certain courses which are automatically deemed as "girlie"! It reminds me of my experience in Venezuela… I went to the largest mall in Caracas – Sambil – and hardly found anything for men. It was out and out female shopping experience. Men were an afterthought in that economy! In certain areas in Delhi Univ, that seems to be true of Indian men too.
Home Science is one such course. Apparently it has changed over the years.. and now is a totally different one from what it was. The other two that really surprised me were: Mass Communications and Psychology. While MassComm is only offered by the Indraprastha College (all girls college); for psychology the things are a little better but not much! In Psychology, of a total of 11 colleges offering this course, only 2 are co-eds!!
There are two issues that come up – One, of perception. And second, of opportunity. Even if say, home science, was offered in normal co-eds, would the guys go for it? They would be perceived rather unmanly… wouldnt they? The thing is that similar courses, maybe with different names but with a more practical and robust curriculum should be introduced in most colleges. Like this Prof says about Psychology:
But effort is required to have an altogether better course to offer by merging the two courses, Psychology and Applied Psychology. This would help design a programme that gives our students an edge over the global best.”
I dont know about the "global best" but even something useful will be good enough. But it is heartening that our sight is at least so high!
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