Chidambaram office employee arrested for extending visas falsely

What happens in the Home Ministry offices and corridors directly impacts the security and well being of the country. We have seen how Chidambaram and his wife have been defending the terrorists and smugglers while P. Chidambaram was the Home Minister or to be one. (Chidambaram, Tapuriah, Hassan Ali, and Taufiq Gaffar: A Surreal Picture!).
Now a person in P. Chidambaram’s office has been arrested for accepting a bribe in an “Extension of Visa” case. One would wonder, what kind of person would be willing to pay a bribe for extending the visa? The penalty for overstay is not much until one can easily get the visa extended.
Only a person who has no business of being in India, and will not have a sufficient cause for stay may be afraid that his / her visa will not be extended. For most purposes, such a person may be a terrorist or an accomplice, as was the case with David Headley as well.
So, people – at least one person for sure – were busy distributing extensions for some money to others. Don’t know if such people realize it or not, they are helping those devils who might end up taking many lives.